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What is the “Central Motive” of the recent pandemic, riots and protest?

First, the Russian election tampering hoax, the Leftists (Democrat party) tried to defeat Trump with; even with Muller’s failure to find the slightest thread of evidence… when in fact Clinton and Biden (with Obama) were the driving force behind the scandal… and yet none of them, or any of their swamp partners have been brought to justice for their crimes against the American people.

Further, not to be stopped, Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff moved to impeach the President… another dismal and unfounded effort to destroy Trump… failing miserably, without being held accountable for their fabricated actions and deceptions.

Desperately, the left moves to terrorize the world with a fabricated pandemic, using a lab designed flu bug, and media broadcasting horrific and unthinkable consequences if a national lock-down was not put into effect immediately… China would help, to be benefited by Trump’s ouster, so launching the hoax from there would provide cover for the (NWO) new world order plans… and provide a launch platform for a (you guessed it) vaccine to save the world from the pandemic. Sadly, all this happened using a flu strain that was no more threatening than other flu strains; and, less dangerous than H1N1… no world lock-down for that one… but opportunity, planning, and timing, were not in place at that time.

Seeing Trump was not being measurably harmed by these previous efforts, the tragic deaths of two black men (Ahmaud Arbery and Geroge Floyd) provided the means to launch the riots and protests that would “perhaps” put the needed nail in Trump’s coffin… probably will also backfire on the misguided thinking of the leftists socialists (Communists) Democrats… which now comprises the main core of the Democratic Party.

The “Central Motive” of the recent pandemic, riots and protest is: the Trump destruction plan, implemented in reaction to Hillary’s unexpected loss of the 2016 election, is (I think) the leftists (NWO) effort to “re-align” their long-time planned strategies, which have enormous financial backing… so now, in order to be successful, it would be necessary to carefully pick the time and place to surgically execute these actions; therefore, we must understand that to be ideological and socially acceptable, the left needs some “talking points,” based upon stimulating the emotions, fear, insecurity, and manipulating perceptions to get support from people with general good and just qualities who are made to believe unjust and unfair actions of police are predominant rather than very limited. So, we see their propaganda efforts (mainly orchestrated by the main stream media) now being played out daily in the streets and in the news. You need to take note that the destructive (human life and property) and economically disastrous harm to our Nation is a price the Leftists Communist are surely willing to bill the responsible and faithful Citizenry for. To them, there is NO loss, the end point of their devious and wicked agenda is destruction of Nationalism and personal liberty… both, which impede their objectives.

Inside the “Central Motive,” is a hidden and devious evil, that if not cut off and stopped, will be one of the main causes of a potential civil war in America… because it's lie is so bold and deceptive, and it is being pressured upon the American people as we speak… Tragically, far too many people are confused and misinformed about this problem… this article below is a must read and must understand issue.

The Truth about Interracial Violent Crime


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Would be great to read your comments on these issues… blessings, JohnRockford


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Yael on :

It's so important to sift through the surface 'noise' to understand the bias, motives, and agendas at play, and not be swayed with distraction and pretext. The linked article is also excellent. It is so evident, we have no legitimate news organizations remaining among the conventional media, just propaganda pushers. If we are to avoid the intentional misdirection, deception and programming, we have to research for ourselves, and challenge the 'party' line. Anymore, most people with national platforms are liars with bull-horns. Only with the Light of the gospel to see through this darkness, hearts diligently inclined toward His Word, and ears that hear what the Spirit is saying can we escape these snares. Thank you for being on Watchman duty John.

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